What is a NIE Number

Your NIE Number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), is the equivalent of a Spanish citizens Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF), is a Spanish tax identification number given by the Spanish authorities/police to any foreigner/Ex-pat.  It is important to get one if you plan to spend longer than 3 months in Spain.

When obtaining a NIE Number, you have three different options

1.) If you are well read in Spanish and have an understanding of the Spanish Booking system it is possible to book your own Cita Previa (appointment) at the police station, and complete your own paperwork.

We do not recommend this unless you are totally confidant in this area as the smallest of mistakes can result in your NIE Number application being rejected and a much longer wait.

2.) The second option If you would to take the stress out of getting your NIE Number is to use a company to book your NIE Number appointment and complete all your paperwork for you. There are various companies online which can do this for you.

The most competitively priced company is www.mynie.co.uk who for a small fee of just £29.99 will complete the whole process for you. MYNIE is Spains number one NIE Number provider.

To order this service complete the booking form on the company website (which is in English) they will do the rest.

**This company also offer a FREE advice line on residency and NIE Numbers, you can find the number on there website.

3.) Your third option is to Visit the Spanish Embassy in your own country before traveling to Spain. This option however has its own drawbacks with the number being old valid for a period of 3 months, unlike the number you obtain in Spain which is valid for life. You will also need an appointment at the embassy and the process can be tiresome.

What is a NIE Number? Why do I need one?

Your NIE number is used as a code to identify people who don’t have Spanish Nationality. It is essential for virtually every activity that requires your official identification in Spain.

Many people first arriving in Spain are not aware of the full importance of the NIE number. For example, your very first steps after moving to Spain, like opening a bank account and getting internet/phone contracts and renting/buying property will require a NIE Number.

NIE number is short for ‘Numero de Identificacion de Extranero‘, and is a Foreigner Identification Number issued by the Administracion General del Estado (Spanish Police) and is a fiscal identification number for foreigners who want to stay more than 3 months in Spain, or in order to be able to process certain transaction in Spain like buying/renting a property.

The equivalent of NIE for Spanish citizens is the NIF (Numero de Identificacion Fiscal) As a non Spanish citizen if you are asked for your NIF number you are being asked for your NIE.

Your NIE number is very different from theEmpadronamiento or Padron Municipalwhich is about getting registered in your living community.

Your NIE number will start with a letter, followed by seven numbers and another letter in the end (for example A– 7584736 – X). Each NIE number is personal to one person and it is not transferable to another person or does it expire.

What might I need a NIE Number for?

o Local: census; certificates of occupancy of the home; property tax; vehicle tax; capital gains; works licences, business opening licences, etc.
o Buying or selling a home in Spain.
o Buying a vehicle in Spain.
o Apply for a Driving licence in Spain.
o Signing a mortgage loan agreement in Spain.
o Property register and Notaries Public Offices.
o Obtaining a social security number in Spain.
o Applying for services from the INEM (Spanish employment institute).
o Exportation of unemployment benefits from a Member State of the European Economic Space.
o Opening an account in a bank in Spain.
o Setting up a business, enterprise, or becoming self employed.
o Settling state and regional taxes: Income tax for non-resident
o Schools for minors, academic studies or university studies.
o Approval and certification of titles and studies.
o Justice: civil register, free legal assistance, etc.
o Obtain Health Care: health care card.
o Apply for grants and subsidies for studies.
o Connect to Electricity and water supply.

How to book a NIE Number appointment   

How to get a NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy

How to book a NIE Number appointment in Spain

Lost TIE Card Spain