How do I book a NIE Number Spain Appointment?

Please note: It is Not recommended to book your own NIE appointment unless you are familiar with the Spanish Booking system. Making a mistake can lead to you being locked out the booking system and unable to make another booking.
We have now withdrawn the below advice as so may people were making mistakes. We Now Recommend which is an online booking system with English booking forms.
If your thinking of booking your own NIE Number Spain appointment its vitally important you know what your doing First. You have to book your NIE Number Spain appointment via the Spanish CITA website. We recommend using the Company Listed above to book your NIE Number appointment.
About the CITA NIE Number Spain booking website
This is the Cita Spain NIE Number booking website
The first thing you will notice that the website is obviously all in Spanish. Its called the INTERNET CITA PREVIA NIE Number Spain website.
The first thing you will be asked is what provide you are in. You can selection from:
A Coruña, Álava, Albacete, Alicante, Almería, Asturias, Ávila, Badajoz, Baleares, Barcelona, Burgos, Caceres, Cádiz, Córdoba, Cantabria, Castellón, Ceuta, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Girona, Granada, Guadalajara, Guipúzcoa, Huelva, Huesca, Jaén, La Rioja, Las Palmas, León, Lleida, Lugo, Madrid,Málaga, Melilla
Murcia, Navarra, Ourense, Palencia, Pontevedra, Salamanca, Segovia, Sevilla, Soria, Tarragona, Tenerife, Teruel, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid, Vizcaya, Zaragoza, Zamora.
Once you have selected your Province on the NIE Number Spain Cita website you will be asked to select from the following options.
Despliegue para ver tramities disponsibles en esta provincia
Authorizacion de residencia de menores nacidos en espana, hijo de residents
Authorizacion de trabajo
CNP- Asignacion de NIE
CNP- Certificado de residente no residente
CNP-Certificados UE
CNP- Expedicion de carta de invitacion
CNP- Toma de huellas renovacion de tarjeta de larga duracion
Familiares de residents comunitarios
Reagrupacion familiar
Resid Menores no nacidos en Espana
Select CNP- Asignacion de NIE and press next.
The next page will tell you about the forms you will need to fill in. You can skip this page by pressing Enter (Entrar)
The title of the next page is ‘CNP-ASIGNACIÓN DE NIE’ on this page you will need to enter your details.
Click passport
1.) Enter your passport number where it says ‘PASAPORTE’
2.) Where is says ‘Nombre y apellidos: ‘ enter your full name as it appears on your passport
3.) In the box labelled ‘Año de nacimiento:’ put your year of birth (this must match your passport)
4.)In the section titled ‘País de nacionalidad’ select your Nationality.
5.)Complete the Capture where it says ‘Por favor, valide el Captcha para poder continuar’
6.) Press continue (Continuar)
The next page will give you the following options
Solicitar cita,
Look for a date
Consultar citas confirmadas
Consult dates confirmed already
Anular cita
Cancel date
Select Solicitar Cite (look for a date)
On the next page you will usually be given the options of 3 different appointments and 3 different. Select a date a press confirm.
The next page is confirmation of your booking before you are given a booking receipt. Press confirm
The next page is a PDF document. Make a note of the reference number. you will need this in case you have to cancel or change your appointment.
Print this document to paper or save to PDF in documents, you will need this the day of your appointment.
If your need to cancel your NIE Number Spain appointment.
Cancelling your NIE Spain appointment is not as easy as it sounds. As we write this guide (9th June 2018) the Spanish CITA website is not working for cancellations. This exasperates the problem as you can only have one CITA appointment at a time, which means waiting until after your appointment date to book another appointment.
We recommend do NOT attempt to book your own NIE Number Appointment unless you are certain you know how to do it correctly and know how to fill in the paperwork.
Get your Spanish NIE Number today from
Filling in the NIE Number Spain forms
There are two forms you need to fill in when applying for your NIE Number Spain:
The two forms you need to fill in are the:
This form is used to Pay your NIE Number Spain tax at the bank
This is your main application form for your NIE Number Spain.
Caution: We do not recommend filling these forms in your self unless you have an advanced level of Spanish. Filling in the forms incorrectly could mean you loosing your appointment at the Police station or being refused a NIE Number Spain.